Sarah Könecke M.A.

M.A. Sarah Könecke
Sarah Könecke M.A.

research assistant

Qualitative Methoden der Sozialforschung

GD E2/171
+49 234 32 15586

Sarah Könecke is a researcher at the Chair of "Qualitative Methods of Social Research" at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Ruhr University Bochum since October 2024. She is working in the DFG research project “Aliens in the Community” and “Enemies of the State”: Intergenerational Structures of Action and Memory in Families of Stigmatized Victims of National Socialism in Austria and Germany.

Recent Publications

Könecke, Sarah (2024): Erinnerungsstrukturen in Familien von als „asozial“ verfolgten Frauen. In: Oliver Gaida und Alyn Šišić (Heftverantwortliche): Im Zugriff von Fürsorge und Polizei. Erfahrungen sozialrassistischer Verfolgung im Nationalsozialismus. Beiträge zur Geschichte der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung, Bd. 5. Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen; 179-188. To be found here. Publication can be found here.

Dissertation project

Continuities of a stigma? Effects of National Socialist persecution on the acting and memory structures of the descendants of persecuted women