
Finished Research Projects

Please note that the project names provided below are translated into English to offer a general understanding of their topics. For the original names, please refer to the German version of this page.

  • Schools and Teaching in the Pandemic: Analysis and Reflection of COVID-19-Induced (Partial) School Closures, Based on the COSMO Survey in North Rhine-Westphalia (by Jörg-Peter Schräpler in collaboration with Gabriele Bellenberg, Marcus Küpker, and Christian Reintjes).
  • Construction of a School Social Deprivation Index for North Rhine-Westphalia (by Jörg-Peter Schräpler in collaboration with Sebastian Jeworutzki).
  • Mercator Study: Paths to the Ruhr Metropolis (by Jörg-Peter Schräpler in collaboration with Sebastian Jeworutzki, Katharina Knüttel, Catharina Niemand, Björn Schmidt, Jörg-Peter Schräpler, Tobias Terpoorten, as well as Joachim Scharioth, Tobias Göbel, and Gert Wagner).
  • Examining Social Segregation in North Rhine-Westphalia: Localized Segregation of SGB II Recipients in 2009, 2013, and 2017 (by Jörg-Peter Schräpler, in collaboration with Sebastian Jeworutzki).
  • Social Segregation – The Spatial Inequality in SGB II Recipients in North Rhine-Westphalia. In-Depth Topic in the Social Report NRW 2016 (by Jörg-Peter Schräpler in collaboration with Sebastian Jeworutzki).
  • Bertelsmann Study on Senior Citizen Poverty in Germany – Regional Distributions and Explanatory Approaches (by Jörg-Peter Schräpler, in collaboration with Holger Mann from RUB and Wolfgang Seifert from IT.NRW).
  • Feasibility Study for the Strategic Neighborhood Information System Ruhr/NRW – Establishing and Testing an Updatable, Integrated, GIS-based Information and Analysis System at a Small-scale Neighborhood Level (by Jörg-Peter Schräpler, in collaboration with Sebastian Jeworutzki from RUB, as well as with INWIS and IT.NRW).
  • Re-surveying Panel Attrition in the Context of the SOEP 2006 Innovation Projects (by Jörg-Peter Schräpler, in collaboration with Jürgen Schupp and Gert G. Wagner, DIW Berlin).