About the Course

S Methoden der Datenrepräsentation und Klassifikation (VSD, Teil II)

One of the most important aim in statistical analysis is the reduction of complexity to make patterns in data visible. This course will cover some of the most widely used statistical methods for classification of observations and finding groups in data. The methods are illustrated with examples from the social sciences and the application of the methods in the statistical programming language R is addressed.

• Objectives of classification methods and quality criteria for classifications
• Distance measures
• Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)
• Hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analysis methods
• Model-based classification methods (latent class analysis)
• Classification trees and machine learning
• Validation of classification solutions

Part of the seminar is an introduction into classification methods with "R" (www.r project.org). R is a free open source software for data analysis, which is widely used in academic research and business applications.


Sebastian Jeworutzki


  • Thursday, 10.10.2024 (1. Termin)
    10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
    GD E2/208 CIP-Pool


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