Various statistical applications are used in the section’s courses. Below you will find sources and references.
R is a free statistical programming language. It can be downloaded from the “R-Homepage”: and is available for Linux, MacOS X and MS Windows. A large number of extensions are available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (“CRAN”: The “R Journal”: and the “Journal of Statistical Software”: provide an up-to-date overview of newly developed add-on packages.
Literature tips:_
- Crawley, M. J. (2007): The R Book. Chichester: Wiley & Sons
- Ligges, U. (2009): Programmieren mit R. Springer: Berlin “(label label-info font-70)E-Book”:
- Manderscheid, K. (2012): Sozialwissenschaftliche Datenanalyse mit R. VS: Wiesbaden “(label label-info font-70)E-Book”:
- Dalgaard, P. (2002): Introductory Statistics with R. Springer: New York
Stata is a commercial statistical package and is becoming increasingly popular in the social and economic sciences due to its extensive possibilities for analyzing panel data.
Option for students:
Unfortunately, Stata licenses cannot be obtained directly from IT.Services. In addition to the independent purchase of the student license (e.g. at “DPC”:, it is possible to use Stata in the faculty’s computer pools.
Stata licenses for theses:
Die Firma Stata hat der Fakultät zeitlich begrenzte Lizenzen bereitgestellt. Wenn Sie eine Lizenz benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an Kristian Knierim (Sowi-EDV).
Reading tips:
- Stata Youtube-Channel
- Stata User Guide
- Acock, Alan C. (2012): A gentle introduction to Stata. 3. überarbeitete Aufl. College Station Tex: Stata Press (A Stata Press publication). Infos
- Kohler, Ulrich; Kreuter, Frauke (2012): Datenanalyse mit Stata. Allgemeine Konzepte der Datenanalyse und ihre praktische Anwendung. 4. Aufl. München: Oldenbourg, R. Infos
- Long, J. Scott (2009): The workflow of data analysis using Stata. College Station, Tex: Stata Press. Infos
SPSS is a commercial statistical package widely used in the social sciences.
Subscription option for students:
The Computer Center of the Ruhr-Universität offers a low-cost annual license for students. Further information can be found on the “Pages of IT.Services”: .
Literature tips:
- SPSS for Windows : An Introduction to Use and Interpretation in Research E-Book
- Akremi/Baur/Fromm (2011): Datenanalyse mit SPSS für Fortgeschrittene 1 E-Book
- Fromm (2012): Datenanalyse mit SPSS für Fortgeschrittene 2: Multivariate Verfahren für Querschnittsdaten E-Book
- Jansen/Laatz (2007): Statistische Datenanalyse mit SPSS für Windows E-Book
The free LaTeX software package is recommended for the creation of term papers and theses. A TeX distribution, such as “MiKTeX”:, and an editor, such as “Texmaker”:, are required for use. You can find valuable help on using LaTeX in the “LaTeX Cookbook”: and at the “Deutsche Anwendervereinigung TeX”:
Literature tips:
- Kopka, H. (2002): LaTeX. Band 1 – Einführung. München: Addison-Wesley
- Mittelbach, F. / Goossens, M. (2005): Der LaTeX-Begleiter. München: Pearson
- Jürgens, M. (2000): LaTeX – eine Enführung und ein bißchen mehr… E-Book
- Schlosser. J. (2008): Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten schreiben mit LaTeX. Heidelberg: MITP