About the Course

S Exploratory data analysis using the European Social Survey (ESS). Reproducable research, automation and visualization (AMS, Teil I / II)

Hypothesis driven theory testing is the textbook example of data analysis in the social sciences. In the absence of any hypotheses, however, social scientists often face the challenge of getting a general overview of complex data sets. Additionally, it is equally important to communicate the essence of the data to others comprehensibly and -- first and foremost -- fast.

In this seminar students are taught to analyze larger data sets automatedly and reproducably, and to export the results into nice documents, such as Word-, HTML- or PDF-files. Mostly, we are going to work with RStudio. At the end of the semester students are asked to produce a short automated report on a research question of their own choice using the skills acquired in the seminar.

1. Introduction into the usage of R and RStudio

  • Smart setup
  • Workflow

2. Reading and manipulating data

  • Basic packages and functions
  • Application example: European Social Survey (ESS)

3. Analyzing and visualizing data

  • How to handle variable types and scales
  • Descriptive statistics and, if applicable, inductive statistics Output: Presenting results and visualization techniques4. Automation

4. Presenting results via (R)Markdown and knitr

  • Vectorization and loops
  • Parameterization within R Markdown

Voraussetzungen für Studiennachweise / Modulprüfungen
Module exams and study records can be obtained by working on exercises and writing a short seminar paper (~10 pages).


Dr. Helge Emmler


  • Thursday, 10.10.2019 (1. Termin)
    08:30 bis 10:00 Uhr
    GD E2/208 CIP-Pool


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